Fathering from the Shadows
In this Podcast about Fatherhood, Dave and Noah explore our psychological shadows and unpack how our unconscious minds drive our feelings and behaviors in ways that can impede connection.
They share personal examples of how the shadow impacts them. They also discuss possible interventions to uncover the shadows in order to become better partners and parents.
Noah and Dave also offer insights into how we can limit how much repression happens for our children so they can express as there true and authentic selves from an earlier age.

Feel it to Heal it
In this episode, Noah shares a personal healing experience and then Dave and Noah break it down to reveal how we can process triggers in a way that releases them. If you’re interested in understanding the mechanics of healing triggers this episode is for you (check out this blog post as well). First, Noah shares a play-by-play of his experience processing and releasing an experienced in which he was triggered. Then Dave and Noah break down the each step of the process to help illuminate how and why it works.